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Image by Patrick Langwallner


My reading with Calise was very insightful. She was right on point and left me feeling such positive energy and great clarity on my choices for the past and the future. The reading was eye opening and left me feeling enthusiastic and full of powerful energy. I will make sure to meet with her again. 


—  Joy, Massachusetts

Top Testimonials

I went to a reading with Calise Simone to connect with my brother who had recently passed away. The reading was incredible. Within minutes Calise brought through his name and told me facts and images she was picking up from him about his life and his passing that she would have had no way of knowing. She also knew things about my life and was able to give me messages from the spirit world that strongly resonated with me. I believe Calise has a very special gift and I highly recommend her.


- Lisa, New York



I have had readings with Calise for some time now. Each one has greatly helped me navigate through significant times in my life, initially moving through times of stress and sorrow. In those times she accurately tapped into the personalities involved in the situations, gave insight and extremely wise advice. I especially appreciated Calise's kindness, reassurance, accuracy and wisdom during these times. She recently predicted the exact number of a new property I am purchasing, as well as the political environment I have to navigate through in my current residence, which I did not expect. I always find her insights very valuable and I appreciate her sharing her gift so much!


- Lucinda, Canada



I feel like I met Calise under divine circumstances at a perfect time in my life. She is a very clear channel who accurately connected to a deceased love one, and was able to provide very clear advice about a recent relationship. I was so grateful for her abilities because it has allowed me to move forward in my life in so many ways that would have been difficult without her. I realize I have so much to look forward to. She was able to fit so much information into the session, and all of her messages were delivered with love and compassion. It was worth every penny. I'm so grateful to have worked with Calise!"


- Altaire, Colorado



Calise told me things that would happen in my life which I did not believe were possible, she told me how and when they would happen. Every prediction she made was accurate. My reading with Calise helped me navigate through my circumstances on that day and move forward with my life.


- Hayley, Australia



8 years ago I lost a very close friend. The loss had haunted me for so long I had forgotten how to feel like myself. I had forgotten how to not have hurt inside of me. The reading I had with Calise and the days following were so surreal. Calise was able to connect to my friend in spirit straight away and bring through messages to confirm it was him. Calise identified very specific personal information about my friend. She mentioned things that no one else could have known - including a tattoo I got for him that she could not see. She told me about a brown teddy bear (which he had given to me) and she mentioned a red heart with the bear. At the time I thought maybe the red heart just symbolized his love. When I got home I allowed myself to take the bear out of storage and I cried once more when I saw it had a big red heart on its ear. Since the reading I literally feel lighter as if the 8 years of hurt is suddenly not there anymore. Not only did she help to bring me clarity and closure, but she allowed me to find forgiveness for any transgressions that may have happened when my friend was still alive. I can't thank Calise enough for bridging this connection and allowing me to communicate with my friend in spirit. I now know the signs are real and my dreams are not imagined.


- Alexandra, Massachusetts



I am so grateful to have met Calise and to have had a reading with her. She helped immensely with the sale of my house. She described the whole thing, the week in which it would sell, she accurately described the buyer and even the competing buyer! It all happened exactly as she said!


- Francie, Australia



I've had readings with many different psychics and mediums in my life and they were entertaining, but never impressive. After I sat down with Calise I was blown away. I didn't say a word the whole car ride home. I relayed messages to my family, which came through from my grandmother in spirit during the reading. This cured a lot of worry and heaviness that had been carried by my family for years. For that, I am truly grateful. Not only has God given Calise an amazing gift, He also blessed her with an amazing personality. I look forward to seeing her again.


- Ryan, Massachusetts



I've had several readings from Calise over the past few years. Every time she gives me great advice. Her approach is very compassionate and she completely understands my situation without telling her anything. Unlike other Psychic Mediums I have been to, Calise's advice is never pushy and I always feel safe and comfortable with her. She helps me find the best solutions with accurate intuitive guidance. I highly recommend her sessions, it will help your life run smoothly and keep you on track! I'm so happy Calise came into my life.


- Machiko, Brooklyn





Calise Simone was spot on with my reading! She was absolutely right about me being accepted into a Veterinary Medical School program for January 2014. Calise even described the logo of the school I had applied to which she had no way of knowing. Calise has an amazing psychic ability! I will definitely seek her remarkable advice again.


- Diana, New York



Calise has given me many great readings and life guidance. Calise is extremely in touch with her intuition and the spirit world. I've been able to communicate with my grandmother (who has now passed on) multiple times and other close friends who have passed away thanks to Calise's gift. The experience was beautiful. It's clear that Calise has a real gift to share with the world.


- Scott, New York



I went to see Calise when I had questions about a guy I was dating. I was blown away by the accuracy of her messages. During the reading Calise channeled messages from my grandmother and felt that after 3 months my romantic relationship would come a mutual end and that he was not 'the one'. 2 days later I found out the guy I was dating would need to relocate for work in 3 months so we would have to break up, (just as Calise had predicted!!!). I was amazed and relieved that I was forewarned of this event, I was able to avoid another heart break.


- Maggi, New York



My reading with Calise really helped to ease my worries and better understand my personal situation. She gave me guidance and explained what I could do when everyone else was saying "there's nothing I can do". The reading was not only very therapeutic – but she was really spot on! It felt like I was having a conversation with someone who was part of my family and had known me for years. It was incredible to step back and remember that she didn't know me at all! I will definitely be seeing her again.


- Shawn, New York



I recently had my first reading with Calise and was blown away. Along with being so kind, compassionate, and personable, she was extremely accurate, and shed some very helpful perspective on certain aspects of my life. She connected to my grandfather at one point and her description of his personality was so spot on! When I mentioned I was thinking of traveling, she immediately connected to 3 or 4 of the countries I was planning to see. I left the session feeling really peaceful and loved, I felt I had a better understanding of my current situation in the greater scheme of things. Calise has a truly amazing gift, and I will definitely be seeing her again in the future. I have already recommended her to all my friends!


- Kate, New York



My reading with Calise took me on a journey of self discovery. I was able to gain affirmation on how to move forward on my journey. Calise's warm benevolent nature made me feel safe and at ease during the whole experience. Calise was able to connect to my grandfather who has passed away. She immediately identified many of his characteristics including his obnoxious cough and demeanor. I could feel his presence in the room and knew she was conversing directly with him. I've had many psychic readings done before but just one reading with Calise resonated with me more than all the others, it was legit! She is an angel. I feel attuned with the path I have ahead of me and I am grateful.


- Michael, Brooklyn



My reading with Calise was quite amazing! Afterwards I've felt a higher sense of things and also feel more peaceful inside. It's an inexplainable feeling! Thank you again.


- Harley, Florida



I had a reading with Calise and she is absolutely amazing. In our conversation, she mentioned that this year we would be buying a home and she kept seeing the number 8. I didn't expect it, but funnily enough, we are to be home owners, our new home is #8 and we close on March 8th!


- Marissa, Connecticut



Calise did a reading for me recently where she gave me information pertaining to a man with a strong toothache (my uncle who passed away from neck and throat cancer which started in his gums and teeth). Calise then brought through a woman in spirit who I used to take care of in her older years, Calise described her clearly and referenced the activities we used to do together includeing the crossword puzzles! As time has gone on I have found this reading to be more and more healing and it has helped me mourn the loss of my loved ones. When I think about this reading it brings me tears of relief to know my family are still around me and are at peace.


- Tracey, California



I have been on a tremendous spiritual journey and have grown immensely in the last 7 years.  By reading with Calise at least once a year, I have stayed on course.  Absolutely everything Calise spoke of came to pass.  Her delivery is no nonsense, but tactful. Gentle when she has to deliver hard news, but fun and carefree when it is a lighthearted message.  Calise's gift has been a gift for me, I am grateful to have had her readings in my life. 


- Lauren, New York

+1 (707) 722-5473​

Calise does not claim to give medical, financial, legal or investment advice, please consult a trained professional. Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Calise Simone 

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